Monday, June 30

AWesoME StonE!!!

“ was the same park”.....“ was the same evening” “Yes...but it was not the same year” “I use to wait here for her unforgettable phone call” “exactly 2 years back”..... “But what is this? No trees .... nothing ...and everywhere I can see only “danger” board .... “Work is in progress!!!”. The whole park is under “make Over”. “I can't see those trees who always smiles at me” “I can't see those unforgettable statues which throws lot of feelings”.
But..But..... “where is that stone where I use to sit and talk for long hours” “I can't find anything” “It is just a Flat surface”. “Oh...They are demolishing the whole park and I don't know what they planned to do....may be to construct some commercial hub?”

I was bit disappointed but but....”Yes”

“Yes...Yes at the end I was happy to find the same stone "YES SAME AWESOME STONE " where I use to spend many evenings with load of unconventional feelings” “I still remember those days where I use to sit there to receive her calls...believe me...just to hear that incoming call is just Awesome”

“But what is this.....someone(the security guard of teh park) suddenly stopped me and asked me to not go there .....and ......why???” because of heavy noise I was not able to hear him completely. But he made me to move out from that place by pointing towords two board “DANGER” and “WORK IS IN PROGRESS”.

“I can see some people are working at the little far distance”

I was just standing there and suddenly my phone started to ring. “Hello...Hello...Hello” I was trying to reply for the phone call but from the other side I heard a Mute noise. As it was a Saturday evening, I thought some of my friend might trying to reach me for the drink.

Anyway “I know that she will never call me back!!!” “Never” ..

“Life is all about taking risk(That's what I know) and I thought of taking one more risk just to make myself comfortable with my own rented life” “I just want to sit on the same stone for a while so that I can feel the past with the flavor of present” “ I know it is not good for health”. “I knew it!!!”

As I know the IN and OUT of the park, I was successful to enter from the other side and “But where is that stone?” "Where????" I was searching and I was shocked to see the same old stone and surprisingly no one was there near the stone and I was alone.... “Again I was alone”.

I went to the top of the stone and suddenly I heard someone shouting from the far end but it was not clear. I was very happy and I started to shout by I neglected all the artificial noise and started to look at the same sky “ I am back” “I am back” “Hay cloud take me away...make me to fly” and “Yes..take me away” "Yes was the same sky 2 years back” I felt like Clods are happy with my words and they looks like they are falling slowly on my head ..... “yes..come-on” “Take me out”...........I was feeling that experience first time in my life. I felt like I am flying with my shadows..........I lost control over my body.....I lost control on my own nervous system.....I lost control on my feelings...... first time I felt like I AM ALIVE COMPLETELY!!!!

Suddenly I heard some blasting sound!!!It was awesome and it was the last Awesome thing of the life as I was not aware of the Dynamite that was kept to blast the same stone where I was standing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lokeshwar Reddy said...

Awesome man,

Anonymous said...

Good one...!!
Did u write this blog sitting in the hospital...?