Tuesday, May 22

PrOaCtIVe ???

“You should be Proactive”… “You should be Proactive”… “You should be Proactive”…!!!!!!!!! Why da…why for me……???

No body tells you….what ..where…how….? they just say….“You should be Proactive”…

Actual meaning of proactive is “implications for motivation and action”. But how can we think about motivation when we de-motivated……and how can we go ahead with action when we don’t get healthy reaction for that.

Meaning should be changed Proactive means “Implication for motivation and action driven by de-motivation and reaction respectively”.

According to my knowledge people hate this word ‘Proactive’ (as I do). Because now a days if some one says you “Be proactive” then it does mean that you are a idiot and dumband you will not get the hike this time ….and it also mean that you don’t know how to swim on the corporate road.

For example : See I used the word “Corporate road” ….. and you may be thinking about this word …. But frankly speaking even I don’t know about this word….but still I used that word…same way your MAMU will use the word “proactive"even though he don’t know the exact meaning of this hot s**t!!!!

I was not proactive when I was born….
I was not proactive instead of that I was scared when my parents forced me to walk and talk when I was 3years old…
I was not proactive when I started go to school (my parents are forced…I love to be a uneducated good human being)
I was not proactive during exams (I was forced to write)
I was not proactive when some one smiled on me with the feelings (I missed it)…..
I was not proactive when some one wants to spend a day with me (still fresh)

But why suddenly I should become proactive after joining some job……..???? Why????
Anyway this word affected my professional life and also my personal life

Now I am 26….6.29 feet tall….laughing face….sexy nose….mind blowing eyes
My parents are not proactive they don’t want to spoil someone’s life…..

Proactive will make you inactive only if you are active….and makes you more inactive if are inactive …that’s all….!!!!

I found a solution for this there is something called There is something called “Proactive Maintenance?” … it means “To throw out your old ideas on your system…By maintaining the virginity of the new ideas”. And everyday keep on vomiting those old ideas till that system will get saturated…once it is saturated then starts vomiting that new idea by making sure that you have one new idea as back up!!!!!…….

If you here this word ‘Proactive’ in future then it does mean that someone trying to put colors and perfume to your s**t…..But s**t is s**t only…No USE!!!

Monday, May 21

"SmilE" to "SmilE"

Today I felt something about the smile and I am writing small stuff on


If you want u can read it with smile or without smile...or u can just neglect it by giving crocodile smile on my stuff…oh...Yaaa

Smile is something …. Because of which I will be happy but I don’t need any reason for that happiness… the question is that what is this smile? Because sometime it will be miles away for some people… because of confusion created by this smile

During my graduation I was just waiting for 4 years …only for one smile….(till now I dint get )…but ….Sometime it makes us to wait… then sometime it makes us to follow…sometime really it make us crazy… anyway sometime I feel that it is actually nothing which has something but behaves like everything

But smiling even though is a natural process but for some people it is a forced retro.

In my life it is a event, it triggers when I feel, I feel when I love, I love when I _____ (still I am not able to fill this blank).

There are different types of smile that I had observed in my life…

Simple smile --- When a girl gives this simple smile then it does mean that “I know you…u know me …but still we never talk or better we never talk”When a aged person gives this smile then it resembles “thanking smile”

Crocodile smile ---I love this smail…the whole world is standing on this smile…everywhere ..Everyday...u can see this smile….amazing...Frankly speaking first I found this smile on my classmates face…Yes this is a smile which meant lot for me…When a unknown girl gives a unknown smile to someone like me then it does mean that ….that smile is a crocodile smile…. Because she don’t want to smile but still she is acting like she is smiling and that is blended with anger.

Every human being daily delivers a crocodile smile, may in front of his girlfriend or wife or in the office or by seeing the heavy traffic or by seeing the under construction fly-over…etc…just people want to express their angry with peace…I mean to say when we are not able to do anything then we just through something that makes sense only for us and makes nonsense to the one who is standing in front of us

Deadly smile…This is a smile when u r at the edge of death or the situation that feels you like u r dyeing …. Ha I think you got it!!!!!Well I have lots of stuff to write on smile…someday I will continue this….

Smile initiates the feelings of love !!!!!!!!!

Feelings of HOPE and TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!

OH...........YAAAAAAAAA......It was so happened that I got something to feel like I am relaxed …. Yes I went to my native place, one of the beautiful places of this earth … the place is known as thirthahalli near agumbe…. And really I got to know lot of things which I was missing from 7 years…... I stopped everything for nearly 10 days… and started to drink MILK!!!! No tea and coffee… .…so it has become a complete family week

It was moving smoothly and situation make me to forget everything and starts to feel like new born child…. Mean while it was so happened that my lungs was empty …even my heart becomes empty… but not stomach!!! Then suddenly few people entered into my heart… except one, rest of them felt that my heart not worth of entering it……

Yes one who took me too deep into the feelings within 24 hours …she is the one who is like a shadow of truth …shadow of innocence. she taught me how to live in this earth with a great smile all the time…even though lot of things flowing around her in a unconventional way…. She came like light and she went faster than light….still I remember her! Hope we will meet again.

The whole world stands on HOPE and TRUTH!!!!!!!!!! I have lots of stuff to write on this … but some day I will continue…..

At the end some of the circumstance made me to think again…..about my life…..!!!

Be HaPPy WiTHout AnY ReaSOn

Well...by reading the name of this topic ..you may think about The word "without reason" ....don't think...just try to feel it...."this word is the beauty of confusion that a human being face each and everyday",... every human being lives in this earth without any reason...for example ... people think that the property ….money…..etc belongs to them but...this is just a assumption of each and every human being...every human being run his life with assumption but he don’t think about the fact... but Why ...?????? Again "WithOut ReasOn"

According to me....everything in this world is just a assumption (like mathematical induction)....

......... I smoke but I don't know why I am smoking even though I know that this not good for good health...but I never try to find the reason...and I never smoke or booze with reasons...I always do it without any reason....

Sometime suddenly my heart will jump...by seeing some cute faces(one way response)...still i don't no why....may be ...without any reason...

Sometime by seeing some face I feel like she or he was familiar to me.... but that is not the fact...still I feel it "Wi....

..........this goes on...and at the end I found the solution for it...whatever may be the reason...or condition... The life is always related with some parameters...never think about that...just be happy...do whatever u want...(may be physically or mentally) BUT AT THE END "BE HAPPY WITHOUT ANY REASON"..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


One day I was walking near someone’s house….suddenly I saw a female human being …and suddenly my heart gets slipped!!!
Big SLIP man!!!! Love started….feelings started to flow like …like…..waste water!!!

After that I was silent for one week…..Because I was not able to trace that road where I saw her first time.

Suddenly I saw her after one week……we both use to catch our shuttle at same bus stop!!!

Everyday I use to see her face…..and she never use to take risk of seeing me…..!!!

Feelings converted to likings……
Likings converted to love……
Love thought about marriage….
Marriage thought about kids…..

Everyday at least one duet song ………on the road…on the hills…on the water…on the sky…on ..Etc…(only imagination from my side)!!!!!

Oh ya…The day came……!!!!

One day somehow I said ‘hi’ to her by doing some heavy coincidence. But she said ‘bye’ with a heart slipping smile…..(as her cab came at wrong time).

Oh I though God listened to my words……Yes…then suddenly I thought about our 25th wedding anniversary (High thinking low living) And meanwhile I missed my cab. And started to chase by auto parallel to her cab…and she looked at me outside the window and she smiled on me…………amazing feeling!!!

Next day somehow I talked to her…I also told her that I am intelligent….responsible…care taking..etc…..she hardly replies to my words…only her smiles talk everything!!!!

One fine day we both came to our stop but unfortunately or fortunately, both of us miss the cab…….. (I was very happy…there is no limit for my happiness…I though that I can talk to her for some time so that I can share my feelings).
But she was busy with her cell phone………….

I was looking at her while she was talking on the phone with her deadly smile…..

Suddenly…………..my destiny came………..as a CBZ extreme …. One male human being was riding that vehicle….suddenly stopped the bike in front of her (I thought he is a villain) …..And first time she opened her beautiful lips …. And introduced that guy ….she said he is her HUSBAND (my karma).

Before I feel bad….she introduced to her kids also (5 years old kid…sitting on the tank of that bike by making horrible noise…………………so fast……………I din’t have time to relax…………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes not even a MINUTE.

All my feelings are synchronized with the silencer of that BIKE!!!

Friday, May 11

What a Tittle....!!!

Feelings are driven by feelings........!!!!!!!!!!
I like the title man......

Best Regards,
Yours Shadow :)