Monday, May 21

Be HaPPy WiTHout AnY ReaSOn reading the name of this topic may think about The word "without reason" ....don't think...just try to feel it...."this word is the beauty of confusion that a human being face each and everyday",... every human being lives in this earth without any reason...for example ... people think that the property ….money…..etc belongs to them but...this is just a assumption of each and every human being...every human being run his life with assumption but he don’t think about the fact... but Why ...?????? Again "WithOut ReasOn"

According to me....everything in this world is just a assumption (like mathematical induction)....

......... I smoke but I don't know why I am smoking even though I know that this not good for good health...but I never try to find the reason...and I never smoke or booze with reasons...I always do it without any reason....

Sometime suddenly my heart will seeing some cute faces(one way response)...still i don't no why....may be ...without any reason...

Sometime by seeing some face I feel like she or he was familiar to me.... but that is not the fact...still I feel it "Wi....

..........this goes on...and at the end I found the solution for it...whatever may be the reason...or condition... The life is always related with some parameters...never think about that...just be whatever u want...(may be physically or mentally) BUT AT THE END "BE HAPPY WITHOUT ANY REASON"..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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